Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Break

I hope to blog a lot during the time the kids are out of school. We will do some chores, but I hope to have lots of fun. When I was visiting teaching Thursday, Julie Raybould mentioned it was going to snow in the Sierras. Emily had recently missed a friend's birthday snow trip because it was on a Sunday, and I knew she wanted to go. We had an exhausting Friday evening (Emmy: swim practice; Peter: baseball in the cold wind and a basketball game--won one, lost one), but we jumped up Saturday morning, grabbed our sleds and headed to Yuba Gap snow park with friends Blake and Megan, whose birthday we'd missed. Megan is a Star Wars fan so we watched "Thumb Wars" on the drive and gifted her a Lego Tie Fighter ship, or whatever you call the one Darth Vader escapes in at the end of Edisode IV. Peter surprised and confounded me by arriving at the snow park without his snow boots and gloves. Fortunately, the park store had supplies. Peter will work off the cost of the unbudgeted expense this week! I built the little snow dude myself--he was supposed to be a guard for the snow forts the kids built for their snow ball fight--forgot to take pictures of the forts!

Sunday was a wonderful opportunity to watch General Conference. I watched most of the morning session on my own and was particularly touched by Elder Holland's talk regarding the lonely nature of Christ's sacrifice for us. He reminded us not to betray the Savior in our behavior, as Judas did, or deny him through our actions, as Peter did. The afternoon session was viewed with the family, including the Christensen clan. Emily and I used the Conference Notebooks I had prepared to take notes. Peter had a super hard time settling down/being quite. Diana played with Luke, who is starting to scoot, on the floor and Mac was once again very well behaved. I just love Mac and enjoy watching him be a dad. Anytime I ask him to do anything to help around the house, he's so sweet to pitch in. He and Diana were kind enough to finish up our winter puzzle (two pieces missing, one chewed up by Lucy.)